Archestra is a fusion of my 25 years or so in management consulting, IT, marketing and the art world.
The intent of Archestra is to study, offer and practice certain points of view, about how we design and build value, that ring true across the experiences in those domains.
Through empirical research conducted since the year 2000, Archestra is an evolving compilation of interrelated concepts and critiques about producing and pursuing the solution called “strategy”.
This publication is dedicated to personal inspiration drawn from exposure to the intensity and excellence of John McEnroe, Kate Moss, Charles Mingus, Michelle Kwan, Jacques Derrida, Jimi Hendrix, Robert Altman, Ozzie Smith, Alex Morgan, and Guy Bourdin.
To inquire about collaboratively consulting, and/or licensing, or co-developing this intellectual property, send your contact information and message to me here.