Architecture creates spaces for functions; Strategy creates functions for spaces.

Archestra is an evolving compilation of empirically bred and vetted concepts and critiques about producing and pursuing “strategy”.
All strategy, regardless of scope or scale, establishes the same thing: where you're going to be, and why you're going to be there. As a perspective from that concept, Archestra treats strategy as a managed “product” used for developing, maintaining and communicating the risk/benefit dimensions of effective position, in operations, organizations and markets. In that role, the product called “strategy” is a solution that is formulated. The formulation derives from an underlying architecture.
Architects create models. Archestra models are constructs that configure concepts in relation to each other, creating logical spaces within which decisions and actions are positioned to be available and interrelated for effective influence and interactivity. Models typically demonstrate how interactivity and its underlying structure is effective.
Frameworks organize concepts in relation to each other, including or excluding them according to their relevance for obtaining intentional effect from their interaction. Archestra frameworks identify the inclusive relevant concepts and explicitly outline the logic of why their interaction is important.
Given a framework, architects can derive models that inherit the logic of relevancy from the framework. Strategy can be modeled. A strategy is a course of interactivity that generates necessary effects from a given position. Pursuing a strategy includes pursuit of obtaining the position in which being selectively functional matters the most to risk or benefit -- opportunity or impact.